Our Evolution
Baramey started in 2016 as a pioneering music label nurturing the talents of original music stars in Cambodia.
Today, Baramey has a roster of the hottest Cambodian artists and has evolved into a true entertainment company that constantly challenges the status quo. Through music, film, events, and bespoke marketing campaigns designed to our artists’ strengths, we bring fresh new experiences to Cambodian and international audiences alike.
Baramey commits at least 50% of its profits to reinvesting in original music to combat piracy in Cambodia, research and development on legal frameworks to build the music industry's respect for copyright and intellectual property, and matching rising artists to music campaigns aligned with various social causes.
Our CEO, Laura Mam at TEDxAbdulCarimeSt
ខ្ញុំពិតជាមានកិត្តិយសសម្រាប់វត្ដមានចូលរួមកម្មវិធី TEDxAbdulCarimeSt ហើយបាន
ភាពរីកចម្រើន ជាពិសេសគឺ "តន្រ្តី" ។ ពីព្រោះយើងទាំងអស់គ្នាក៏អាចណែនាំឲ្យពិភពលោកទទួល
ស្គាល់យើងបានតាមរយៈនេះបានដែរ មិនមែនត្រឹមតែរបបខ្មែរក្រហម ឬតែប្រាសាទអង្គរវត្ត
តែមួយគត់នោះទេ។ សង្ឃឹមថាការចែករំលែកមួយនេះនឹងធ្វើឲ្យអ្នកទស្សនាទាំងអស់គ្នាមានទស្សនៈ
ប្លែកពីមុន ហើយនឹង បន្តចែកចាយនូវភាពល្អពិសេសមួយនេះ :)
I am honor to be on TEDxAbdulCarimeSt and talk about "How music revolution changes Cambodia narrative". Thank for allowing me this opportunity to share about the other side of Cambodia of how we can introduce ourselves to the world in more than just "Khmer Rouge" or "Angkor Wat" but our "Music" as well.
Credits: TEDxAbdulCarimeSt Cambodia Team